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Archive for December 2009

Siebel隐含碳交易的新公司C3获2600万美元融资, 前国务卿赖斯出现在董事会的名单中

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作者Dan Levine 来源 techcrunch.com

2009年12月29日 RSIPE研究员 刘玮玮译

What do Thomas Siebel, Condoleezza Rice and $26 million have in common? They are all connected to stealth energy startup C3, which may be entering the business of managing carbon cap-and-trade systems for corporations. In the past two weeks, C3 has filed three Form Ds with the SEC disclosing financings totaling almost $26M. Very little is known about the company publicly, and the company declines to comment on its future plans (or anything else). But from other publicly-available sources, an interesting story can be pieced together.

Thomas Siebel,前国务卿赖斯和2600万美元有何共通之处?他们因隐含碳交易的新公司C3而联系在一起,C3有望进入管理企业碳排放限额和交易的业务。在过去两个星期里,C3向美国证券交易委员会提交了三份正式材料,披露其融资总额近2600万美元的财务状况。外界对Siebel公司的了解非常少,该公司也拒绝评论其未来计划(或其他事宜)。但是,从其他公开可用的资源当中,我们还是可以把一个有趣的故事给拼凑起来。

C3 is the brainchild of Thomas Siebel, former CEO of Siebel Systems which was bought by Siebel’s previous employer Oracle for $5.7 billion in 2005. Siebel has brought in a lot of familiar talent, including former Siebel Systems and Oracle executives Patricia House and Edward Abbo. House is a star, serving on a number of boards and in the past being named one of Fortune’s 50 most powerful women. Abbo is the former CTO of Siebel Systems, among other positions. The holdover team from Siebel, including its CTO, points towards enterprise software.

创立C3是Thomas Siebel的主意,Thomas Siebel是Siebel公司的前首席执行官,该公司在2005年被Siebel公司的原服务单位甲骨文公司以57亿美元收购。Siebel公司带来了很多为人熟知的天才,其中包括前Siebel公司和现任甲骨文公司执行董事Patricia House 和 Edward Abbo。House是为董事会服务的明星,曾被评为Fortune杂志50位最有影响力的女性之一。Abbo是Siebel公司的前首席技术官,还兼其他职位。Siebel公司包括技术总监在内的留任团队,把工作目标定位在企业级软件。

Also among the C3 board of directors are former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and former Senator and Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham. Both are powerful Republicans, which comes as no surprise as Siebel played a role in introducing Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin to California. Far more interesting is the role each might play. C3 is focused on energy management and a former Secretary of Energy is a logical (and valuable) asset in that business. More interesting is the potential role of Rice. Rice’s most visible experience is as America’s lead representative to the world, suggesting that C3 is planning an international play.

在C3董事会的董事当中,有前国务卿赖斯和前参议员兼能源部长的Spencer Abraham。两人都是有权势的共和党人,他们介绍副总统候选人佩林来到加利福尼亚,对Siebel来说是顺理成章的事情。比这有趣的是每个角色可能发挥的作用,C3公司专注于能源管理,前能源部长在该业务上可以说是一项必然的(和宝贵的)资产。更有趣的是赖斯的潜在作用,赖斯最显著的经验在于,她曾是美国领导层的代表人物,由此可以猜想到C3正在计划扮演一个国际角色。

Another key Director is Jay Dweck, a Managing Director and Global Head of Strategies and Technology for the Institutional Securities Group at Morgan Stanley. Mr. Dweck’s insider knowledge of institutional securities and the underlying technology at least raises the possibility that C3 will seek to securitize and/or create a market for some kind of carbon security.

另一个关键董事是Jay Dweck,他是投资银行摩根士丹利的董事总经理兼全球策略和技术部主管。Dweck对于机构证券的内部洞察力和扎实的运作技术,至少为C3寻求证券化和(或)创建一个安全的碳证券市场提高了可能性。

So what does an enterprise-software, energy-management company with international ambitions, $26 million in capital, and sophisticated financial securities software do? Besides make a lot of money of course.


One logical answer is that the company is planning to create software/platforms for the management of carbon emissions. What makes the space potentially so valuable is cap and trade. These systems substitute a market for regulation; an enterprise’s carbon emissions are measured against a specific amount, the cap. Companies with emissions below the cap can sell their extra “space,” while companies whose emissions exceed their cap need to purchase permits for their overage. Cap and trade is not currently in use in the United States, although it has been proposed and is being pushed by the Obama Administration, but it is being used to reduce carbon emissions on a cost-efficient basis elsewhere, notably in the EU.

一个合乎情理的答案就是,该公司正计划为碳排放管理建立软件或平台。是什么使得碳排放限额和交易隐藏着如此大的价值?这些碳排放限额和交易制度替代了监管的市场;企业的碳排放量以一个特定的数量被测定,那就是限额。排放量低于限额的公司可以出售多余的余额,而排放量超过其限额的公司需要购买超额许可证。限额和交易制度目前并没有在美国使用,尽管它已经提出来了并由奥巴马政府推动 ,但它正在被基于成本/效益考量用来降低二氧化碳排放的其他地方使用,尤其是在欧盟。

Two large and related problems plague cap and trade systems. One is measuring emissions (in an officially sanctioned manner) and the other is pricing them, and those two problems could very well be C3’s targets. The goal in this scenario would be to get licensed or approved to create and run cap-and-trade markets. If cap and trade is ultimately adopted as the way to control carbon emissions in the name of reducing global warming, it will be a multi-billion dollar market.


C3 bills itself as an “Energy and Emissions Management” company. Limited information about it is currently available at c3welcome.com, itself an unlikely website. The company also appears to own c3-carbon.com, and may be shopping for a more euphonious domain as it has chosen to remain at the welcome site as opposed to the longer term c3-carbon.com, which redirects.

C3把自己宣传为一家能源及排放管理公司。c3welcome.com网站上提供了公司有限的信息,不过它看上去并不像一个网站。C3公司看上去还拥有c3 – carbon.com域名,在选择留下c3welcome.com这个欢迎站点的时候,它或许可以申请一个更好听的域名,而不是重定向长期域名c3-carbon.com。

There are other companies tackling this problem such as Greenstone Carbon Management, Carbon Hub, and Carbon Trust, but the glowing board/leadership pedigree on top of nearly limitless access to capital make C3 a diamond in the rough, so to speak.

还有其他一些公司也在着力解决碳排放限额与交易问题,如Greenstone carbon Management,Carbon Hub和Carbon Trust 。但是,公司高层的亮丽出身可以让C3获取近乎无限的资本,这无疑使C3成了毛坯中的钻石,可以这么说。

Written by rsipe

December 31, 2009 at 7:17 pm


作者Vadim Lavrusik 来源 mashable.com

2009年12月24日 RSIPE研究员 刘玮玮译

The news media is experiencing a renaissance. As we end the year, its state in 2009 can be summarized as a year of turmoil, layoffs and cutbacks in an industry desperately seeking to reinvent its business model and content. But despite the thousands of journalism jobs lost, the future has much hope and opportunity for those that are willing to adapt to a changing industry.


Much of that change is happening now. And in the coming year, news organizations will look to approach monetization and content experimentation that is focused on looking at the web in a new way. News in 2010 will blur the lines between audience and creator more than ever in an era of social media. Below is a look at several trends in content distribution and presentation that we will likely see more of in 2010.


1. Living Stories生活故事


One of the difficulties of the web is being able to really track a story as it develops and creating engaging formats for long-form articles. The article page is often the only thing that a reader sees and not the story in its full context. In 2010, news organizations will design stories that are more suited to the way readers consume online content.


One early sign of this is the recent collaboration between Google, The New York Times, and The Washington Post on the Living Stories project, an experiment that presents coverage of a specific story or topic in one place, making it easy to navigate the topic and see the timeline of coverage on the story. It also allows you to get a summary of the story and track the conversations taking place. This format contextualizes and personalizes the news.


2. Real-Time News Streams实时新闻流

Our news consumption has morphed into a collection of streams. Whether it’s from our Twitter homepage or an RSS reader or a Facebook feed, we get bites of information that sometimes satisfy us or direct us to places where we can get more information.

我们的新闻消费现在已经发展成一个新闻流的集合。无论是从Twitter的网页,RSS的阅读器还是Facebook的 feed,我们都能得到使我们满意的信息或被提供如何获取更多信息的方法。

The move toward real-time news is increasingly important, and media critics and professors like Jeff Jarvis predict these streams will replace web sites. That change may not come in 2010, but streaming news elements will become a an integral part of traditional news sources. We’re already seeing Twitter streams and other visualizations incorporated into news home pages with updated financial and market information from new sources like Google Finance.

朝实时新闻方向靠拢显得越来越重要,像Jeff Jarvis的这样传媒评论家兼行业专家预测,实时新闻流将取代网站。这一变化可能不会在2010年来临,但流媒体元素将成为传统新闻媒体的一个组成部分。我们看到Twitter流媒体和其他可视化媒体已经把其最新的财经和市场信息融入到谷歌财经新闻网站的首页。

The challenge however, is that journalists need to accept that news breaks through real-time social media platforms like Twitter, said Alfred Hermida, an assistant professor at the University of British Columbia School of Journalism.

 “但是挑战随之来临,记者们现在需要突破Twitter这样的实时社交平台获得新闻”,加拿大不列颠省哥伦比亚大学新闻学院的助理教授Alfred Hermida说。

3.  Blogozines 博客杂志


Another format that takes effort, but can be an engaging alternative to the traditional blog post is the blogozine. This could be great to keep a reader engaged in a long-form story. Though I don’t think we will see the death of simple blog posts, a rich-media and rich-layout approach from blogozines will gain momentum in 2010.


4.  Distributed Social News分布式社交新闻

This year the social news trend gained momentum with the explosion of Twitter. Moving into 2010, news organizations will further distribute their content across social platforms that allow its users to create a personalized and socialized news stream. Personalized search has emerged in 2009, and 2010 will see more sites integrating applications that allow users to create personalized news streams.

今年社交新闻伴随Twitter的爆炸式成长也越来越流行。步入2010年,新闻机构将进一步通过社交平台发布消息,使用户能够创建个性化的消息流。 个性化搜索在2009年已经初露端倪,在2010年将会看到更多集合各种应用程序的网站,它允许用户创建个性化的新闻流。

More news organizations are beginning to establish a presence across multiple platforms and social sites, and it’s not just the popular sites like Twitter and Facebook anymore. Newsweek, for example, started a Tumblog because the “format is adapted especially well to magazine journalism, since it encourages a deeper engagement.”


Robert Quigley, social media editor at the Austin American-Statesman, said he thinks news sites will continue to exist for a while, but the “smart news sites will extend their tentacles into the spaces where people are communicating, and talking about news.”

Austin American-Statesman的社交媒体编辑Robert Quigley说,“新闻网站将继续存在一段时间,但是,聪明的新闻网站将把他们的触角延伸到人们沟通、交谈的空间。”

5.  News Goes Mobile移动新闻


In general, 2010 will see a distinct transformation in the way people consume news as smart phones become ubiquitous. And as more startups enter the market of mobile transactions, news organizations could develop strategies or provide services for transactions to take place on mobile apps.


News companies should be prepared with a mobile-first strategy. Instead of just selling ads to business customers, news organizations can help small businesses develop applications that help them do business in the mobile marketplace, said Steve Buttry, C3 coach at Gazette Communications.

新闻企业应该着手“移动先行”战略。Gazette通信公司的 C3教练Steve Buttry说,新闻机构可以协助小型企业开发应用软件,从而帮他们开拓移动市场业务,而非仅仅卖广告给业务客户。

Mathew Ingram, communities editor at The Globe and Mail, said mobile also has great potential to increase the number of content consumers, especially if it is done in a geo-targeted way to reach a local audience. Something that news organizations should also be prepared for is e-readers gaining a larger market and the emergence of the Apple Tablet, which publishers like Wired Magazine are already getting ready for. Meanwhile, Time Inc. and other magazine publishers are looking to create a Hulu for magazines where consumers can purchase and manage digital subscriptions.

环球邮报编辑Mathew Ingram说,手机终端也具有消费者数量不断增加的巨大潜力,特别是当它通过地理位置针对性的方式地到达当地受众时。新闻机构应该对电子阅读器获得了巨大市场份额以及苹果Tablet的出现做好准备,像连线杂志这样的出版商已经着手那么做了。与此同时,时代公司和其他杂志出版商正指望在线流媒体电视网站Hulu,希望其能为杂志建立可以为消费者提供购买和管理数字订阅的服务。

6. The Year of Geo-Location地理定位科技年

Geo-location services will be the buzz of 2010, though it’s difficult to predict which services will rise to the top. Geo-tweets could take this space, but companies like Foursquare and Gowalla, which combine geo-location with social gaming, are highly addictive and have a lot of potential, especially with an advertising format that serves its users.


Mathilde Piard, social media manager at Cox Newspapers, said there is a lot of potential for news sites to get into the market of events and venue listings. “There are event listings and business directory listings out there but none that are good enough yet,” Piard said, and “Geo-tagging goes hand-in-hand with this stuff.”

Cox Newspapers的社交媒体经理Mathilde Piard说,新闻网站极具进入信息市场并大量上市的潜力。Piard 还说,“新闻网站拥有收录信息和商业指南的功能,但都不是特别突出,地理标记就可以使这些元素有效结合。”

Also, imagine the opportunity for news companies to work with advertisers to make ads more relevant to location. Imagine an iPhone app that buzzes when you walk by a bar telling you the daily drink special, Quigley from the Statesman said.


7. Story-Streaming故事流


New storytellers means new ways of telling stories. We will see more story-streaming with the growing popularity of simple blogging platforms like Posterous and Tumblr( ).

故事的叙述方式因叙事人而异。伴随Posterous 和Tumblr这样简易博客平台的日益普及,我们将看到更多的故事流

An example of this is a project from Daniel Honigman and Len Kendall called the3six5, which aims to get 365 people – one for each day of the year – to write about something that is happening in the world that day and how it relates to them. Though neither Honigman or Kendall are journalists, the storytelling format of life streaming is what attracted the two to start the project. Honigman said it is an experiment in crowdsourced storytelling.

这方面的一个例子是Daniel HonigmanLen Kendall3six5项目,其目的是让365个人-每一年的第一天-记录这天发生的事件以及与他们之间的关联。虽然Honigman或Kendall都不是记者,信息流记录的叙事方式却促使两人启动该项目。Honigman说,这是协作叙事的一个实验。

8.  Social TV Online在线社交电视

2010 will see some big improvements in online video and even greater shifts of viewers moving away from their TVs to watch online as companies like Hulu and others reinvent the space. The coming year could see sites like Hulu becoming profitable, and even extending to international markets to increase viewership.


We’ve seen TV shows like PBS’s News Hour moving to YouTube, and 2010 will see an increased push for TV to reinvent itself online. One way of doing this is through “social TV.” Hulu, for example, lets Facebook friends watch shows together, and has account, rating, and sharing elements akin to social giant YouTube. We’ll see social TV take center stage in 2010.


9.  Marketers as Producers身为编辑的市场营销员


Marketers are also beginning to skip the journalist as a middleman to produce their message and are instead producing it themselves. Mike Sprouse, chief marketing officer at Epic Advertising, started a 28-page monthly (printed) magazine called Winning the Web. The magazine includes commentary and content on emerging trends in online marketing, and is produced by just two people working full-time. It’s distributed to about 3,000 people and is completely free.

市场营销员也开始跳过记者作为中间人来编辑他们的信息。Epic广告公司的首席营销官Mike Sprouse创办了名为Winning the Web的28页月刊,该杂志的评论涵盖网络营销的新趋势和营销内容。杂志仅靠两位全职人员完成,它分发给3000人左右,而且完全免费。

Sprouse sees more marketers and other professionals in general moving into the direction of producing content themselves. He said most companies have a blog or a Facebook page, and going into the coming year, more companies will shift to produce content themselves in a “thought leadership” approach.

Sprouse认为,更多的市场营销员和其他专业人员可以根据工作范围自己做编辑。他说,大多数公司都有博客或Facebook,来年越来越多的企业将借鉴 “思想领导”的做法转型为企业内部编辑。

10.  Social News Gaming社交新闻游戏


With social gaming sites growing in popularity (Facebook’s Farmville is bigger than Twitter), news media companies will surely experiment with creating their own social news gaming applications. Social gaming is highly addictive and if a news organization were to effectively execute their own game, it could serve as a way to keep news consumers coming back and a way to present stories or information in new ways.


NBC introduced a social media game for its series “Chuck” called Chuck Me Out that lets users gain points for spreading news about the show or getting friends to watch it. The person with the most points by March 8 will have their photo appear on the show or win one of another several prizes. Perhaps a similar concept could be applied to news content in 2010.

国家广播公司推出名为Chuck Me Out的“Chuck”系列社交媒体游戏 ,用户可以通过发布针对某节目的新闻或分享给好友来获得积分,截止到3月8号的积分最高者,他/她的头像将出现在节目里或者获得其他奖项中的任何一个。在2010年,类似的概念或许可以应用于新闻内容。

Written by rsipe

December 27, 2009 at 2:00 pm

在线团体支付工具WePay获得Max Levchin等大牌天使投资人注资

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作者Jason Kincaid   来源 techcrunch.com

2009年12月23日 RSIPE译

Managing a baseball team, school Club, or Fraternity can be a rewarding experience. It can also be a Total Nightmare, at least when it comes to getting everyone to cough up their dues. WePay is a very promising Startup in private beta that’s looking to FIX Group payments for good. Earlier today News broke that the company had raised $ 1.65 million from August Capital and some Angel investors. That’s obviously great News for WePay, but also impressive is the company’s roster of Angels: as of tonight the company can count PayPal cofounder Max Levchin as an Investor. Given Levchin’s experience in this industry, that’s a very strong endorsement. PayPal Alum Dave McClure is also Onboard, as are Paul Buchheit, Ron Conway, Mark Goines, Andrew McCollum, Joe Campanelli, and Angus Davis. WePay is also a part of the Y Combinator Program.

管理棒球队,学校社团或互助会可以说是一个有益的经验,不过它也会是一段令人不快的经历,至少每个人该缴纳会费的时候是这样。WePay是一家非常有前景的致力于在线团体支付的新兴公司,公司寻求一劳永逸地解决团队支付问题。今天早些时候有消息称,该公司从August资本和一些天使投资人那里获得的资金上升到165万美元。这显然对WePay是好消息,不过令人印象深刻的是该公司的天使投资人名册:从今晚开始,WePay可以把PayPal的共同创始人Max Levchin列在投资者的名单上。鉴于Levchin在这个行业的经验,对WePay来说,这是非常强有力的支持。PayPal的校友Dave McClure也出现在了天使投资人名册当中,其他还有Paul Buchheit, Ron Conway, Mark Goines, Andrew McCollum, Joe Campanelli和 Angus Davis,WePay也是Y Combinator计划的一部分。

So what exactly does WePay do that PayPal can’t? The difference stems from the way payment accounts are set up. With PayPal, your account is tied to your name, without any way to separate the payments associated with your soccer team from those of your fraternity or your own personal transactions. On WePay, you can create a unique, FDIC insured account for each of these. The account is still associated with your name, but you can keep each group account totally separate.


This gives you much more freedom than you’d have otherwise. If you want to share your fraternity’s transaction history with the entire group, you can do that without having to worry about a personal transaction ever popping up. The site comes with controls for specifying who can have access to these histories.


There’s much more to WePay, of course. The site can also fully manage the payments to and from each of these accounts. If you need to collect money from your soccer team, you can automatically shoot an Email to each player informing them how much they owe. They can pay immediately through the website using a credit card or direct account transfer, or they can submit a check. If they don’t pay soon, the site will automatically remind them a few days later. If you’re managing a WePay account, you can also sign up to receive a special WePay credit card that draws directly from the shared account.


WePay makes money by charging a 3.5% transaction fee (there’s also a different plan that charges 50 cents per transaction and limits you on the methods of payment you can accept).


WePay looks like it could be a winner. The company is solving a problem that nearly everyone has had to deal with, and they’ve got a proven way to make money doing it. Look for their launch early next year.


Written by rsipe

December 25, 2009 at 12:12 am

Rsipe has a new blog

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Hello all!

This is Rsipe’s new blog – be sure to follow us for all the latest Rsipe news.

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Written by rsipe

December 24, 2009 at 4:54 pm

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